So, its almost 1 am in the morning, and I just got home, but im not that tired at all. I don't have a lot to do, so I'll put up some stuff here.
Its been more than a month, and it was a month before that too, so I guess I've lost most my readers. Which is fine, really. My "epic adventures" are almost over!
To start it all off with something fun: I'm going to a coldplay concert tomorrow! It hasn't really sunk in yet, since it wasn't planned till yesterday (planning USA style), and its going to be really good to finally go to a concert again. Preparing for Hove :)
Track is almost over, I hope. In theory I could go to states, and have a few more weeks, but I really want to call it a day and spend my last week relaxing a little.
I went to two proms as well, and it was a lot of fun :) I have some good pictures, but I don't feel like working on uploading them right now, so if anyone wants to see them that hasn't already seen them and can't check them on facebook, let me know in a comment :)
We had a pre-departure orientation with YFU last weekend, and it was alright, but most of all it made me think about the fact that I'm actually leaving soon. Only three and a half weeks now, and the closer it comes the faster time goes. Nowadays I don't really know what to think about it, I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again, but I really don't want to leave my family and friends here either.
And that was about it I think, for now :)
for 4 år siden
1 kommentar:
Glær mæ te å få dæ hjæm ;)
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