It's been another week, and it's time for another update. But since time flies so fast I'm no longer able to write things in chronologically.. The ''big'' things I've done the past week is attending a John Mayer concert with Nicole & her friends, tried out a few sports, ruined my body trying to keep up with Tim's training schedule and set up my schedule for school. I've also been shopping a few times and we went to Six Flags (a big attraction park-thing).
The John Mayer concert was great, and a lot more of a rock-artist than I thought he was after listening to Continuum (his last album). There were also loads and loads of stoned and drunk people around..
When it comes to sports, Tim and I went to the first soccer practice. The conditioning part was nice and though, and we didn't lag too much behind either. But then they brought out the balls.. And I hadn't been playing with a ball for like, two years. So it didn't work out very well. And then we didn't have shinguards either, so we were told to run around the field for two hours. And then we quit.
Yesterday, we tried the Crosscountry team, and the coach is really nice! Also, the team seems great, and one of the girls had a poolparty which Tim and I attended. We ran like 5 miles and I didn't do too bad! Today there's a five km run for time, which I'm not looking too much forward to.
On Tuesday Tim and I went to Six Flags with an Estonian exchange student and her host-sister and loads of her host-sisters friends. The park is huge, and we didn't even do half the rides! But Batman and Mind Eraser were great. I missed out on The Superman because I'm too tall.. Which almost made me physically abuse the guards there, because I was really ON the limit, and the heels of my shoes were like 3 cm..
As for my school schedule I've chosen:
Honors Chemistry
Academic US History
Academic English
and Photography or Digital Design, depending on how the counselor can make it work better.
Yeah.. so that's basically my last week! I'm looking very much forward to school on Tuesday, so I can make some more friends and meet people. Later tonight there's an YFU pizza-thing going on somewhere north of here. I think Tim and I have to sleep over someplace there.. And miss out on a crosscuontry training! (and that's usually VERY bad)
for 4 år siden