Missy, is an old dog, and she's kindof small.

Lucy, The Big Dog. Is very attention seeking :)

The Bird, some sort of parrott. It's really noisy from time to time, and could probably need some more attention.

Grey, the big cat. He's so bossy that he drove Gizmo (another cat) away. He's really fluffy and cute though. And he doesn't have a tail. Grey can threaten Missy and make her fleed.

Reese is Grey's sister, and she's very shy. Like Grey she has no tail, and loads of hair!

Another one of Reese.
I couldn't find Sarah, but she's another cat. And really skinny.
(Oh yeah, and according to one of the neighbours here, the HUGE poop on the pavement underneath the tree where Fox Hill Drive crosses France belongs to a BEAR! I might take a picture of it. Anyway; there was a bear warning on the news, and a bear was spotted digging up a bee nest/colony thing in someones yard last winter. And I thought I could walk outside safely at night...)
2 kommentarer:
Great pictures;)
Take a picture og the boat and the house soon.. Have you startet any sports yet?
Seems to be all pretty cool stuff there ;) Nice to be able to follow every step you make, every breath you take ... (now who said that?)
Also wanted to let you know we are all cool here. Redecorated the room you left, and gave it a bit of new, yet temporary, life and purpose til you 'r back. Mizz u man!Good to hear u'z ok :-)
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