We didn't go to the waterpark even though we went through a massive hassle to get some waivers signed. Instead we went to a family-friend of Nicole and their pool. I also watched a LOAD of olympics, went with mom to her toastmasters club, met a few other exchange students and waited patiently for my ATM to arrive.
On Friday morning mom and I picked up Tim (Timothy Dawson, and Australian exchange student) from where he lives, and drove to Maine and a place called Ogonquit. Rick followed on Saturday because he had so much work to do after a storm (he works with security systems that get problems when hit by lightening).
Anyway, Tim and I went to the beach while mom relaxed with a book. We also bought ourselves some Maine t-shirts. We set of the fire-alarm cooking burgers and watched Nastia Liukin win the allround gymnastics gold.
The following day Tim and I went to York (a small tourist town next to Ogonquit), and we went through the arcade, but instead of playing on the machines, we just exchanged bills for quarters trying to collect all the 50 state-quarters. We also went to a couple of stores and asked politely if we could look through their change, and I found myself an awesome shirt of the Joker (which mom said was ONLY appropriate for in the house, inside-out..). In the evening we ate lobster (which was really good!).
On Sunday we went to the beach again, this time to try to use a so called "body-board" in the waves, but because of the significant decrease in wavesize since the days before, we failed. On Monday the waves were bigger so the board worked great!
On Sunday we also visited Kennebunkport further north and saw George Bush's summerplace! In the evening Tim and I had a walk around Ogonquit at night, spotting several nice girls and some gay couples.
After getting home again on Monday evening (and picking up Missy from Mike, and leaving Lucy :(..), Tuesday was pretty much back to normal. Watching tv parts of the day, msn-ing with people back home and eating. I did do one thing out of the ordinary though; I decided to have a look around Rocky Hill by bike! So I pumped up the tires and left the only safe place I knew.
Shockingly enough, I managed to loose my way! After several round-trips and seeing the same streets over again, I finally found something familiar.. Dunkin' Donuts! But as I was really looking for the gym on the other side of Rocky Hill, I had to start over again. But I did find it, and I found out it was too expensive compared to how much I'd want to use it. The good thing is that now I know my way around the place better than I'd ever get to know it by car! Also, my wallet arrived :D
On Wednesday the carpet cleaner came, mom picked up my LA-resident-sister, Erin, from the airport and I went to Nicole to play Wii and to "Ritas" to eat icecream :) Then mom and Erin picked me up and we went to grandmother to eat more icecream and play a nice game called Sequence. In the evening we picked up Tim (Timi, with an American touch to his name), and we sat up half the night talking about school subjects and random things.
Today we've been to the school for an orientation and to make our schedules. We missed out on the orientation because we had to get cleared by the nurse first, and we didn't get to put up our schedules because the school had a new computer-system which they had to learn first. But we spoke to the counselor and he went far in promising we could both be seniors! (Btw, my name is from now on Lawrence B, all other varieties are WAY to hard to pronounce or understand for Americans)
After that we went to the supermarket, and Tim had to get himself all kinds of protein, vitamin and other bodybuilder-like foods! I had noticed his decent biceps before, but I was surprised to find out he actually exercises very seriously! Later we went to grandmother to play more games and meet all the other grandchildren (most for Tim, because I'd already seen them all). Now I'm trying to heal after joining one of Tim's hardcore exercises, and even without much weight-training I'm totally wasted :)
That's more than enough for now. Peace!
1 kommentar:
Just to remind you chap that today is 28 August 08, and your last posting was from 21! What is going on :-)???????
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