Before that however, I got my progress report from school (which was okay), I went to a YFU post arrival orientation (and made a fool out of myself by asking too much about whether I could date 15 year olds or not after turning 18) and I went to another fair with more people from school (Danielle & Dominique).
So, the really interesting stories are from last weekend.
It all begun on friday morning when Rick dropped Tim an I off at Sears in west Hartford at 9 30 in the morning. There I met Tim Dawson, Daniel, Theo, Greg, Marie, Daniel, Anni and several other kids I knew from the area again. Immediately upon entering the bus we were welcomed by 20 kids from the southern part of Connecticut and New York. After stopping in several other towns there were NO free seats by the time we came to Albany in New York state. I slept for an hour or so, and socialized a little the rest of the trip. Sometime around seven in the evening we arrived in Buffalo, got a local host family (ca. 30 kids per house) and had a huge party!

(Patricia, Greg, Lisseth, Daniel and me)
The next day we went to a native american museum thing and a couple of American battleships and a submarine. There we had a tour and basically got to know people better :)

Afterwards, we went to see the Niagara falls at night:

I also figured out that the best way to sleep on the bus is to sit next to someone you can lean on:

The next day we went to see the falls during the day, and we went on the famous boats and a trail under the falls where the water actually hit us (no pictures of the latter until Mike uploads his pictures on facebook):

(Daniel, Me, Milan, Kosta, Carla, Mike, Hugo (?), Jessi, Svenja and Ida from right to left)

That evening we just hung around in the street where all the host families lived. The guys played some football first, and then some soccer. After a while the girls wanted to play too, so we made new teams: boys against gays and girls. (Yeah, I did initiate the gay thing..) Unfortunately, this wasn't very succesful because most of the guys decided the GG team was the best and most interesting to play on (GROUPHUGS!).
After that we basically just hung around; sang some singstar, played some basketball, had a campfire going and talked. The next day we all slept alot on the bus :)
It was a GREAT weekend, thank you to everyone I met for making it special!
And then a less good experience; I had a crosscountry meet yesterday, and I did REALLY bad. Afterwards I broke my ipod by dropping it on the floor, and I forgot my wallet on the bus home. People say bad things never come alone :)
This weekend I'm going hiking with Nick, Chris, Angela and Lauren I believe. I might go to a halloween party too, but thats a bit far away so I'm not sure.
See you later!

9 kommentarer:
Lucky you!! (Jeg mener da selvfølgelig Niagara Falls) Og ikke helt utypisk deg å glemme lommeboka.... :-) Vi snakkes kanskje til helgen?
Wii, saa gooy! Hoores ut som du har det bra. Jeg drar til niagara falls om to uker :) gleder meg!
Hei Monica!
haha, er noe med den lommeboka..
hva med søndag? Jeg er en smule opptatt hele lørdagen (siste crosscountry løp + homecoming dance).
Søndag er bra :-)
hehe sry, nittedal ftw <3
:D.. keep up the blogging :D
Nå som hove sikkert går konk... blir det vel roskilde eller Quart neste år da? :O
tenk på den .. peace :D
Hove konk er en liten smule trist.
Digga måten festivalen var bygget opp på og alt sånt.
Tror nok Roskilde er mer likt Hove som festival. Quart er visst mer spredt og har ikke samme typen camping?
Ellers passer vel Quart/roskilde bedre med hjemreise for meg.. Men kan alltids spørre om å få dra hjem noen dager før for å rekke Hove om de holder seg i gang.
Nice read. Fancy blue coates you got there ;-)
Still enjoying your stay?:-p (OF COURSE YOU DO!)
Keep em commin' !
de groeten!
Hey Nick!
Nog steeds tevreden ja!
hoe is Nederland?
Hoop dat er vanavond een update komt :)
Groeten aan de familie!
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