Days here literally fly by. I'll try to make a quick schedule for what I do during a day:
06 00: Get out of bed, eat, run to the bus.
07 15: school starts after me spending like 20 minutes hanging around doing nothing because the bus is so early.
14 10: school ends, and 20 minutes later crosscountry starts.
17 20: Back home: take a shower and relax for approximately 15 minutes before dinner.
19 00: Usually done with dinner, time to so homework. Usually takes at least 2 hours.
21/22 00: go to bed.
Anyways, I've done MANY interesting things since last time, and I'm not even going to mention all of them.
The best part of the weekend almost two weeks ago was Julia's birthday party in Willimantic. That's pretty far away, so I had to sleep over at my Area Reps house. Her host daughter, Anni, is also the one who introduced me to those friends. Here's a picture that describes the night:

After that, I went to the Big E with several other exchange students. It was awesome too. The big e is a so called fair. It's basically a tivoli combined with farmers products and small shops were people sell stuff they've made. The big e was, as the name implies HUGE! I probably saw like half of it in an entire day.
Last week nothing much happened. We had a crosscountry meet against St Paul. They were not very good so we placed out five best guys in front of their first.
Last weekend Tim and I hung out with Nick from church and his friends Angela, Molly and Lauren. We watched a movie, and after five minutes we switched to a tv show, and five minutes later we turned the thing of and talked instead. On Saturday Tim was sick, so I went out with Nick and Chris (also from church) We went to Middletown and saw a small concert in a coffee shop. Afterwards me met Molly and Angela and walked around in Wethersfield.
On sunday I went to another fair with Manuela, Joanna, Emily, Megan and some cousins of Manuela. The fair was a lot smaller, but I still enjoyed it! We saw lamas, sheep and 1000 pound pumpkins and a very funny tiny animal. It was like a mouse in size, but could kinda fly and climbed very well on people.
Yesterday our team was defeated in the conference for the first time this year, but I don't feel guilty. I did my VERY best. Rahm, the other team, were just too good. I'm still really soar today, but fortunately all the pains and injuries I had before are slowaly disappearing.
Now I'm going to watch the vice presidental debate and do some homework; always on the move :)
(And yeah, I actually appreciate comments.. so LEAVE one =D)
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Det er dette også :)
Er familen obama- eller mcain-filk, btw? ^^
Good to read something about your everyday life ;-) Sounds active, not slow.
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