The, without doubt, most eventful thing I've done is going to New York, twice.
The first time I went with Nick and Chris, we took the train in there. Chris "scored some digits" from a fifty five year old woman (he got her phone number), and I spoke to someone else's grandmother for an hour.
When we arrived in NY, the plan was to go to the Musem Of Modern Arts (MOMA), but when we got there we discovered that it was closed. So we looked in their designer store instead and it was pretty cool. Afterwards we took the subway down to Union Square, and walked through several districts down towards wall street, looking through tons of stores as we went. They contained everything from really, really metrosexual clothes to vintage 400 $ sweaters. Then we crossed the Brooklyn Brigde.
Manhattan skyline!

Chris and I eating in Grand Central Station

Nick and I on the Brooklyn Bridge
We also walked through Chinatown where a chinaman kept passing us mumbling: "fake id, fake id, DRIVERS LICENCE!". It was a great day!
The second time I went Trym from Norway (currently Vermont) came down to Rocky Hill for a visit, and since Rocky Hill is a boring place when you dont have a car, i decided to take him to NY since I now was an expert on the city (ha ha ha...).
We took the bus really early from close to where I live, and I slept there for three hours. We came out of the bus on Times Square and since we were both semi-starving, we ate a burger. Then we looked through all the very expensive brand-stores, and made the mistake to enter the Virgin Megastore. I think I could have spent my entire day there, and wasted all the little money I have left on their CD's and LP's. Fortunately I managed to control myself and ended up buying only "The Decline of British Sea Power", by British Sea Power.
From there we followed Broadway all the way down to the end of Manhattan (we must have been really close to Ground Zero at some point, but we didnt feel like looking for it). We went through a couple more interesting stores. One of them was REALLY cheap and they sold like leftovers from other stores and all the people in there were big, black, sweaty women looking for clothes for their children and sweating heavily. I bought myself socks and sweatpants for fat people.
We went into many, many stores, especially in the soho/noho district. I must admit that NY is a better place for shopping than the local malls are.
On our way back to the bus we went to times square at night (the lights are pretty cool):

Me @ Times Square

Trym @ Times Square
On the second trip i bought the I <3 NY t-shirt, and they're really cheap. Only 3 dollars each. So anyone back home who wants one, put up an order in the comments haha. I'm probably going back (with YFU) the first weekend in December.
This last week i havent been doing too much. Just hung about, done some hw and postponed starting my next running season. Yesterday I went to New Haven with Angela, Chris, Lauren and Nick. We went to Urban and they had a good sale so i bought clothes for 50 $ that were 350 $ before. Yay!
Some other important things:
The Norwegian Crown has lost 1/3 of its value compared to the dollar, which STINKS. I thought the financial crisis wouldnt affect me. Now everything is exactly as expensive as in Norway.
I bought myself tickets to Ryan Adams & The Cardinals one week before my birthday. Second row in what looks like an amazing venue! OHYEAH :D
13 kommentarer:
New York ja... du svippa vel innom Apple storen ? :D:D:D
Kuult :D
Jeg så den faktisk! men var så syk kø at jeg ikke dro inn.
Var sånn heis ned i bakken og greier
I WANT ONE! iwantone iwantone.
og du .. hvis du begynner på lillestrøm neste år, får du faen ikke lov å starte i min engelsk klasse! :)
Okei, 1 til Vilde!
Når jeg kommer tilbake til Norge har ikke tid til engelsk, må ta to norsk klasser om jeg stå på eksamen haha
Jeg booker en t-shirt :D
New York er <3
Digger den byen og misunner deg helt vilt! Bra at du i det minste fikk sett Apple Store'n da. Rart det var kø der, da jeg var der i fjor var det ikke kø i det hele tatt selvom Itouch nettopp hadde kommet.
misunner deg ass
skal til NY om to uker, see you there?
skal til NY om 2 uker. see you there?
Heii :D
Kan jeg få NY-t-skjorte :D
Klem Søster :D <3
Tveita & Marloes: Yeah, det skal vi få til haha!
Noen flere t-skjorter?
Andrea: Når/hvor lenge og hvordan? haha
New York, New York :D
Jeg vil dra dit igjen jeg også!
Apple Store'en i Chicago er bra :D
Veit ikke hvordan den er i NY.
Syns du er slem som ditcher Bjertnes neste år ;o
skuffende ..
Du kan booke en t-shirt til meg også :D
(Har en, men tror den er litt liten (x ..)
Ikke klag mer på at jeg ikke kommenterer ;D
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