Soo, firstly and most importantly i had five days off school last week. It was awesome, I deserved it and I took a breath and relaxed for once.
Last week we had school only on Monday and Tuesday, and I had no homework (for the first time in TWO weeks i got some today). Other than that, I got my grades last week. They were ridiculous, and rather interesting.
Indoor Track has started, so now I'll no longer be home early from school.. I dont know yet what event I'm doing, but I might ask for something between 600 meters and a mile. Running today was pain after weeeks of laziness.
The main event however was thanksgiving! A lot of family came to our house, we had a load of good food and a good time! (Also, school gave us five days off for it). My favorite food was the stuffing you have in the turkey (that we didnt put inside of it, but made separately because there's some health issues with putting it in the turkey). The turkey was really good too. And we had mashed potatoes, various vegetable dishes and pies. I contributed by peeling roughly 30 potatoes that morning. Since the dinner was over and stuff cleaned up by 6, I hung out with some friends in the evening too.
The day after thanksgiving is the day the Christmas shopping starts. The day might be called Black Friday for several reasons, one Nick told me was that the store's balances finally go from red to black. Another one might be all the stress and hassle. My theory is that people call the day black because every year someone dies fighting for the "early bird" specials. They are basically unreasonably big discounts on cool stuff to attract people to the stores, which is effective since people line up from 12 at night the day before.
I did not go shopping on black Friday since I only had twenty some dollars (INCLUDING my bank account) and thought I'd save them for my New York trip.
On Friday evening I went to Hartford with Nick and his parents and watched some pretty neat christmas lights across town. On our way home we drove past "the house on windmill hill". It blew the lights in Hartford away, and since I dont feel like I could describe it that well, here's a youtube link:
On Saturday I helped put up our christmas lights, and went to a bonfire with Nick.
Sunday was the day of my third NY trip! It was raining all day, but I did some good shopping, bought some records and ended up with the neat amount of 12 cents in my wallet. The goal for december is a budget surplus, which I'm pretty confident will work out, seeing I can't go LOWER than 0 in my bank account/wallet. Other than that, if possible, I'll buy myself a snowboard sometime soon.
The records I bought were awesome:
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Kings Of Leon- Only By The Night
Black Kids - Partie Traumatic
(No pictures this time, my camera is suffering from severe angst of leaving its drawer in my desk.. )
Other than that christmas presents should be on their way pretty soon.
Happy Birthday til Tine og Vilde! <3
Og tusen takk for julekalenderen mamma! Var noe rart med å stå opp første desember uten en, har nok aldri skjedd før :) Men så kom den i posten på ettermiddagen :D
for 4 år siden
3 kommentarer:
Takk :D <3 koselig å tala med toi isted :)
Laura! "The Mist" har kommet på DVD :D Vil du ha den til jul? ^^
No way?! Gir de den faktisk ut på dvd? Tror deg ikke haha. Vi får se den igjen når jeg kommer tilbake til Norge :)
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