A week late :)
I hope '09 will be even better than '08, for me and all of you.
So, a snowday saves me again; I've been way to busy lately to write my blog, so it came in very handy. It's so good to wake up in the morning, turn on the tv and see "Rocky Hill Publis Schools, Closed" roll across the screen.
Anyways, I've had a good Christmas break that felt really short even though everyone here said it was a long one.. (24th of december through 4th of january, shortest ive had).
My host sister was home for Christmas, and she reclaimed her room (which is now my room), and since I like my room, I just stayed. She still got my bed, so I had to sleep on a cott (aka, en sammenleggbar seng).
American Christmas is a little different than Norwegian Christmas in several ways, first of all there is almost no advent, secondly there is no days off school before Christmas eve, and then you go to church and unpack your presents on Christmas day morning! But the church looked magnificent, the music there was good, the food was great and being a grownup like me, who cares about when you get your presents as long as you get them, huh?
The day after I went to Nicks beach house with him, Chris and Melissa, it was pretty dark there, and cold, but I bet it will be a good place to hang out in the summer :)
On Monday one and a half week ago I went to lunch with Nick and some of his friends that lived kinda far away, and on our way home we picked Trym up. He slept over at my house until new years eve. We hung out with Nick most of the time, we went to New Haven and had pizza and hung out in his house.
On New Years eve we got another snow storm, great. The snow storm led to a parking ban, so at first we were talking about canceling our grandiose party. But then our neighbors said our guests could borrow their driveway, and since we had a lot of driveway ourselves too, we figured most guests could still come. Then our neighbor announced he was sick, so he couldn't snowblow his driveway. So I spent two hours snowblowing in the snow, cool.
Many people came, including Daniel from Sweden, a couple of the pastors from church and loads of people i didn't know. It was a nice night, even though we didn't have any fireworks!
Last weekend I went on a yfu weekend trip to New York with Trym and Daniel. We spent most of the time shopping. And we went to Taco Bell in a cab at 12:30 at night.
And that was my Christmas/New Years, and now school has started again..
I have two track meets on friday and saturday, so that's gonna be exciting :) On the saturday one only half the team is going, and I'm running in the 4x8 relay :D
(I really appreciate comments folks, keep up the good work!)
for 4 år siden
3 kommentarer:
Godt nytt år Laurens! Kul blogg du har ;)
Laura :D
Nu har V och jag rettslære. Det er kjedelig. Vi ville bare si hei. *vinke*
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