On friday and the first half of next week there's (were) midterms. I get tested in everything I was taught the past semester, and for some classes half of it is gone a long time ago. But since my grades have been good so far I have quite some room for error.
I've been doing pretty good for track. We had our first big meet last week (the conference meet), and I was only put in one race... However, I surprised everyone and got a 2.16 for my leg in the 4x8 (it was actually the first time ever that I ran it). And our anchor did really well too, so we got second place, a stupid little medal and "all conference". Also, coach put me as an alternate for the state meet, so I'm still running even if half of the team is done. Tomorrow we're going to Yale to practice at their indoor track.
Yesterday Trym and Terri were over and we planned our California trip to some more detail:
Sunday: Arrive in LA & hit the bars (sleep in nice hotel)
Monday: hang out in LA & see Hollywood etc (sleep in same nice hotel)
Tuesday: Drive up to Las Vegas & The Hoover Dam (sleep in scetchy roadside motel)
Wednesday: Drive over to the Gran Canyon (forgot where we're sleeping)
Thursday: See some really cool looking national park thing & drive to Terri's friends in Phoenix (sleep there)
Friday: Drive down to Terri's family in Tucson (sleep there)
Saturday: Hang out in Tucson for a bit and drive up to her friends in Phoenix (sleep there)
Sunday: Go to church in Phoenix & hang out in the city
Monday: Home again :)
So that looks pretty enjoyable!
Next weekend there's a yfu sleepover in the forest somewhere, which is going to be pretty cool.
Also, my new headphones will probably arrive soon (Grado Sr80's), and I ordered a really cheap polaroid camera to see if its cool. I paid twice as much for the film as for the camera..
When it comes to other things, I'll miss out on graduation, but since I wouldn't graduate anyways I don't really care. (Even though my chemistry teacher wanted to talk to the guidance councelor and change his mind for me!) Also, Prom is going to be interesting since I have no group to go with yet, nor ANY ideas for dates.
Big hugs and thanks to dad for the snowboardstuff and mom & Edward for the cookies :D
for 4 år siden
5 kommentarer:
Sunday: Arrive in LA & hit the bars (sleep in nice hotel)
aren't you a bit young to go bar-hopping in LA?
haha, maybe a tad :)
Jeg blir med på prom jeg, er det greit? :) Dessuten syns jeg det er litt synd at du misser graduation.. TAKK FOR GAVE <3
Gleder meg alt Vilde :D
Hove > Graduationhvorjegikkefårdelta
Jeg blir også med på prom :D
hihi :)
Hvordan går det?
Tusen takk for gave :D <3
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