Today is a great day. There's a severe "snow storm" coming up, which means we get a day off school! (A so called snow day). The ridiculous part is that the snow storm only brings like 30 cm of snow, which we get like once a week in Norway, but since they have school buses here, and the right to sue for anything, the bus drivers won't drive with snow. Even more comical is the fact that it's almost one pm, and no snow yet. So, we could've gone to school and probably gotten out fine before the snow even came!
Anyways, this morning I woke up, turned on the tv, saw that school was canceled and went back to bed. I've spent my day well; cleaned my room (man, that was necessary), prepared the garden furniture for the storm and watched tv!
Lately I've been working out a lot for track; I lifted weights four times this week, and I've been home after five every day. It's a little exhausting, but the team looks both good and is cool, so its fine. We even have the hardest practice of the year on christmas day, on the steepest hill of the town! (And just to complain some more; we even have school on the 23rd!)
I sent some stuff to Norway for christmas yesterday too, but I'm afraid it might not even arrive till New Year, unfortunately.. I hope you all have a great christmas anyways!
When it comes to my favorite town in the world, New York, I'm not allowed to go there on my own anymore, since some other students used the argument "but Laurens (aka: some other kids) went on his/their own" when they were told no. And then their parents complained to YFU northeast, and yfu northeast freaked out and my host mom figured it wasn't too clever to let me go anymore :(
Other interesting news is that Trym moved down to Connecticut, Kathy Ulm (director of YFU Northeast) accused me for being a troublemaker, my grades are still decent and yeah, that's all haha.
Oh, and our christmas tree is fake, and it's got more than a thousand lights and probably more than a hundred balls, and it's awesome! I helped decorate it myself. Also, we put lights on the sculptures of the musicians next to the tv, and then we put blinking bulbs in them so now they're being quite distracting whenever we watch tv :)
So, I whish you all a very merry christmas, and a happy new year!
thanks to everyone who sent cards! Even if you haven't heard anything yet, you're not forgotten :)
for 4 år siden